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With the appearance of complications, advanced stages of Schmorl's nodules, their combination with horizontal hernias, an operation can be performed. Ointments and gels for topical use with analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects - Diclofenac, Voltaren. Chondroprotectors - promote the regeneration of damaged tissues. These are drugs Chondroitin, Teraflex. Muscle relaxants - relieve muscle spasm, which is the cause of pain. Assign Mydocalm, Baclofen. Vitamin complexes - are prescribed to buy cialis pills the tissues with the necessary substances and strengthen the strength of the bones. Calcium and vitamin D supplements.

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Physiotherapeutic techniques for vertical hernial protrusions are aimed at improving blood supply and lymph flow in the vertebral structures, stopping inflammation and eliminating congestive processes. Assign the following methods of physiotherapy. This is the introduction of drugs locally into the lesion using the electric field created by the apparatus. Phonophoresis. It involves the introduction of active medicinal substances into the affected tissues by ultrasound. Magnetotherapy. This is the effect on the tissues of tadalafil protrusion by a magnetic field. Electrical stimulation. The technique is aimed at stimulating blood flow and metabolic processes with weak discharges of electric current.

To confirm the diagnosis and select therapy for Schmorl's hernia, the patient is prescribed.

Physiotherapeutic methods, like drug therapy, cannot completely get rid of a hernia. But their use in combination with other methods of treatment improves the patient's condition to a stable remission. Spinal traction, or traction, is carried out on special simulators. The method allows you to increase the distance between the vertebrae by stretching the muscle fibers and ligaments, in the process the back muscles are strengthened. The procedure is carried out under strict supervision by a doctor who determines the load. Violation of technique or excessive load can cause complications.

Methods of treatment of Schmorl's hernia.Living God's Love

One of the modern author's methods gives good results - the combined use of underwater traction with underwater light therapy of the spine. It involves simultaneous exposure to infrared light and traction with bandages in water. One of the methods of reflexology is acupuncture. This is the introduction of thin metal sterile needles into biological points. The duration of the session is about 30-40 minutes. Acupuncture reduces the pressure of the disc on the vertebrae, relieves pain, vasospasm, stops degenerative processes in bone tissues. However, according to the principles of evidence-based medicine, acupuncture does not have proven effectiveness.

A special diet for squeezing the vertebrae with cartilage is not required. There are general guidelines. Weight control. Excess body weight puts an additional load on the spine, and a lack of weight weakens the muscular corset. Balanced diet. The daily diet should contain fruits and vegetables to saturate the body with essential nutrients.ami.

Our mission

The purpose of therapeutic massage for Schmorl's nodules is to alleviate well-being and eliminate pain, a feeling of fatigue in the back. Procedures restore metabolism in the structures of the spinal column, improve overall blood flow and lymph flow. Calcium - dairy and sour-milk products. Magnesium - spinach, beans, seeds. Phosphorus - fish, seafood. Manganese - algae, eggs, chicken fillet. The patient should give up alcoholic beverages and nicotine, this will improve blood circulation and tissue nutrition.

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  • Therapeutic exercise is an obligatory component of cialis therapy for Schmorl's hernia. A set of exercises is compiled by a physiotherapist, taking into account the localization of the hernial protrusion, its size and the presence of symptoms.
  • During manual therapy, and especially with stretching elements, as in traction therapy, negative pressure is created in the spine. This affects the herniation by causing the cartilage tissue to return to its original position.
  • With the correct execution technique, the blood supply to all structures of the spine improves, pain syndrome is relieved.
  • An important condition is that the exercises must be performed regularly. If pain or discomfort occurs, they should be discontinued.
  • If frequent pain attacks occur with Schmorl's nodules, patients are prescribed to wear an orthopedic corset. It fixes the back, which relieves the load on the spine, eliminates pain, and minimizes the risk of developing neurological symptoms.
  • An orthopedic corset is indicated for those who, due to their activities, are forced to order tadalafil for sale in one position for a long time - sitting or standing.

There is often no need for surgical intervention for Schmorl's hernia. The operation is prescribed for severe destruction of the vertebrae, large protrusion, combined with a horizontal hernia, which causes compression of the spinal cord. The following methods are used. Laser vaporization. Under the influence of laser radiation, excess fluid is evaporated from the intervertebral disc. The nucleus pulposus in the middle of the disc becomes smaller, the pressure on the affected vertebra decreases. Radical surgical treatment is indicated for very large hernias. During the operation, the disc is completely removed, replacing it with an implant. The most common type of intervention on the vertebrae after hernia repair is percutaneous puncture vertebroplasty. Yes, there is no hernia, and it does not increase, but a cavity remains in the vertebra, which worsens its strength. A large cavity is fraught with a vertebral fracture. Therefore, it is filled with special bone cement, turning it into a single monolith.